Monday, 22 April 2013

All Signed Up

Registered for classes at NSCAD!! So very excited -- it feels real now, seeing my timetable online with my name above it.

Sat down with the Academic Calendar, made a list of the courses I want to take, flipped back and forth and added all the prerequisites, went through again to add the required courses. Checked and rechecked -- reminded myself that I can't take all the classes, not in one semester anyway!!

Wait listed for one class each semester.....and have registered for my second choices, just in case. Paining first semester, two classes per week -- so looking forward to it! Wait listed for Drawing second semester so registered for Typography and Sensoryscapes as my second choices.  Oh, the degree I'm studying for is a Bachelor of Fine Art, Interdisciplinary, minor in Art History.  Squeezing in as many Critical Studies as possible around the required studio courses. And they won't let me take more than 15 credits per semester until my final year!!

It's wonderful to be working towards my own dreams and goals, not to pay for someone else's Porsche.  People have been asking me what my plans are after feels trite to quip "make art!", but, that's the only firm plan.  When I returned to school three years ago I was not expecting to be heading off to Halifax, and years ago when I "thought" I had my life all mapped out, well, can you say complete and total life change!! The only aspect of my life that I've brought forward from 2003 is my crabby tabby!!!  And I'm planning more changes.

And, I get to explore a new city! The parks, the museums, the galleries, the cafes..........

When we lose the right to be different, we lose the privilege to be free. -- Charles Evans Hughes

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