Kali: destroyer, ending illusions, showing truth
I've studied comparative and alternate religion, mythology, and shamanism mist of my life. I've been exposed, in one way or another, to the world's "major" religions, several Christian sects (from Catholicism to fundamental Pentecostal), dabbled with mainstream Christianity, and participated in Pagan rituals.
What I've found most interesting is the feminine role. Traditional mainstream religions teach that women are, well, less than men (I.e. only male clergy, woman's role is to be a "good wife" and nothing else..........), and must submit to a man's will, no matter what. That women are not thinking, autonomous, free beings. And I point out here that it is less than 100 years since women were made "person's under the law", before this change of "law" women were chattel, no different from vehicles, livestock: property.
Change, in our modern society, happens so quickly, in so many ways, however, some social norms take a very long time. We enact laws for equality: law is passed, attitudes change--the racist, the misogynist, the homophobic---yup, law passed, one second they hate, the next they don't. Yeah, right.......
Anyway, I didn't mean this to be a social justice rant, so I will go back to discussing my work: a diptychs of two mythological representations of femininity -- Lilith & Kali.

Lilith: the first wife of Adam. There are several versions to this myth as to the exact "events" and circumstances but what is the same in all accounts is that she insisted on equality with Adam, he wanted her to submit. She called the unspeakable (and allegedly unknowable) Name of God and left. So God made Adam a new wife, one more passive and less independent.

Kali: Hindu goddess, an incarnation of Durga. The Destroyer, when a hoard of demons attacked the earth and all the gods had failed to stop them, they called on Kali, who went into a murderous rage and "went across the land slaying all that got in her path". She is associated with breaking illusions and showing truth.
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